Monthly Archives: July 2022


The prospect of joining the working world is a scary thought for anyone. Being on the spectrum amplifies that fear. Will I be able to assimilate? Will I be able to work productively with others? Will I be able to keep up with a schedule? Or handle the sensory and mental responsibility of functioning in…
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Pop Culture Representation

The pervasive image of autism in popular media is a socially quirky young male with eccentric habits who has a savant-level skill. Of course, there are definitely exceptions, but the stereotype remains at the forefront. From Ray Babbitt in Rain Man, to more current depictions such as prodigy surgeons Dr. Shaun Murphy in The Good…
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Let’s face it– nobody enjoys going to the doctor’s. Especially for those of us who have chronic health issues, it becomes an environment we are all too familiar with, and yet somehow my senses have never quite adjusted. It’s not so much that being on the spectrum makes the experience more unpleasant, but it creates…
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I always loved the pool. The ocean, too. As I grew up, I realized a lot of kids with ASD had the same affinity for water that I did. Something about the water is able to satisfy and soothe all my senses. Visually, there’s peacefulness in the way the sun reflects off clear water. Then…
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