If you Google search the word empathy, the definition that comes up is "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." I feel other people's pain--arguably a little too much. So why do some people assume that those of us on the spectrum don't experience empathy? 

I think there are some people who confuse the experience of an emotion with the expression of said emotion. It is possible to experience empathy without being able to express the compassion you feel inside. Being on the spectrum means the expression of thoughts and feelings are already tough. They exist in the body, but words fail to capture them. If you or anyone you know is on the spectrum, never assume that you or they are devoid of empathy just because of the inability to express it. And, just because you or they are unable to express it now does not mean it will never be expressed. There is always room for growth and always things to learn, always ways to improve how we interact with the world. That is not specific to those of us on the spectrum, but we do have to work a little harder in order to allow our thoughts and feelings to exist outside of ourselves so that others feel the empathy and love that we feel inside.

~Anonymous Writer

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